External Organisations requesting access to data

Occasionally we get requests for access to your data (SARs), normally regarding insurance claims or applications, and other requests for example Personal Independence Payments (PIP).

These requests are outside of the GP contract, and if they are not related to your right to access your data, the organisation pays a fee for this (you are not charged by us for this).

This does not overule your rights under our Privacy Policy, but please be aware that when you are signing consent with any of these external organisations, they will have access to all of your data. Our suggestion always is to request your own, free of charge, copy of your records, which you can then submit to these organisations.

For those that still come to us, we have contracted an external entity to provide these, and these words below are about the service:

Our practice has decided to outsource our medical reporting to Medi2data, who will process your medical report using their system, eMR.

Who are Medi2data?
Medi2data are an NHS Digital accredited company who have developed a digital system called eMR which enables the production of digital, GDPR-compliant medical reports.

eMR helps GP practices with data security, speed and efficiency
The software interfaces with our GP practice’s system to extract medical records to be included in Medi2data’s reports. eMR empowers patients to easily see and share their medical data, allowing them to stay in control of their records.

Receiving an update on your report
When your report has been requested via a third party, the fastest way to receive an update is to go to the medi2data.com website - hover over ‘Instructing Parties’ in the menu at the top, and select MET. MET is an automatic Medical Evidence Tracker - by entering the third party’s reference code, you can view the progress of your request.

You can also email or call the team via customerservice@medi2data.comand 0333 3055 774 (option 3) to discuss your report or any concerns regarding your personal data.

 A link to their site is here.